홈페이지 메인Coming HereCamp RulesCafeteria Rules
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Cafeteria Rules

Global Leaders, Cherish the World!

Cafeteria Rules

  1. 1Be on time for meals.
  2. 2Stand in line in a quiet and orderly fashion.
  3. 3Say “thank you” to the chefs.
  4. 4No running or pushing.
  5. 5Sit and eat at your assigned table.
  6. 6Do not play with your food.
  7. 7Do not leave left-overs.
  8. 8Put the chair back in place before leaving the table.
  9. 9Return your tray after meals.
  10. 10Do not take food or drinks outside the cafeteria.
  • You can use the satisfaction service after logging in or verifying your real name.
Information specialist
Department name : Bukbu Branch
Contact information : 043-756-8402